Bean there, done that!

Getting very short of small pots and modules (if anyone around Tunbridge Wells has any spare, that would be awesome!), so now we can get our hands on toilet roll here’s an excellent use for the tubes.

If you squash them flat, and then put the two creases together and flatten again, you get a square tube instead of a round one. (Well, I was excited!)

Then tear or cut a little way up the creases at the bottom, bend back the flaps and then fold them as you would a cardboard box. This gives you nice little containers to sit in a seed tray (hopefully 5 deep and 8 wide), and fill with compost to sow your runners or climbing French beans.  


As they will start to breakdown once they get wet, and they are only big enough for the beans for to be in for a couple of weeks, I won’t sow until mid May. The garden centres start putting runner beans out from Easter onwards, but in these harsh east winds we are getting I’ve seen a lot of plants up at our allotment site that are in tatters. Best wait a little, get your tubes ready, think about what framework you can make for them to climb up, and then sow in time to plant them out in June.

Going big on beans this year, more to come on progress so far soon!


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