I Dig Tunbridge wells

I Dig Tunbridge Wells

Back in March during the early stages of the current crisis one of our colleagues, Nick Robinson, decided to use his time on lockdown at home and 25 years’ experience as an organic gardener to start a vegetable growing project. It was the height of panic buying at the supermarkets, and suddenly doing anything to ensure a local food supply through the summer looked like a good use of time, as we could no longer carry on with our regular volunteer programme.

Windswept allotment March 2020

Seed stash!

He was already in the process of taking on an allotment locally in Hawkenbury, and asked if there were any other spare plots, so has ended up with 2! Combined with a quick dash to a local garden centre for seed potatoes and seeds, the project started off in a 3 bedroom house in mid March, soon filling all the windowsills.

windowsill growing 
Interest in food growing and gardening has mushroomed during the lockdown, and there is an obvious need for seeds, plants and online advice on growing. We know gardening has real therapeutic benefits both physically and mentally, as well as providing fresh food and raising awareness of wildlife. The aim is to grow this small scale cottage industry to help meet this demand, and at the same time set up a blog to document progress, and share tips on food growing, foraging and gardening for wildlife.

Keep an eye out for updates as we follow the story, including possible opportunities to get your hands on some surplus plants. We would like to prioritise people who cannot get out to local garden centres or supermarkets, or afford online deliveries, so we are also talking to food banks and other support organisations locally about how we can work with them to reach the people who will most benefit.

When the going gets tough, the tough get growing!


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